“The Adventures of the Magical Whisk series”, offers every child, ages 4-12, to travel with Mama Grace, her son Luca, and daughter, Bella. Together they’ll visit three different countries: France, Italy, and Spain! While you are taken to each destination, you’ll learn some of the spoken language native to each country, marvel at the culture and tradition, and learn some “culinary” delights, enjoy the magic while meeting some wonderful families along the way!

Each destination will ignite a passion for cooking, adventure, travel, and learning a new language along the way.

Order now and start exploring the enchantment of the “Magical whisk” series…

Children's Book

The Adventures of the Magical Whisk in France
from $12.95
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The Adventures of the Magical Whisk In Italy
from $12.95
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The Adventures of the Magical Whisk in Spain!
from $12.95
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A Mermaid Tail (Hardback)
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The Underwater Farm
from $16.95
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